Oct 1, 2011

Hello, and welcome!

Hello, and welcome to my website. After years and years – finally Fräulein Pfeiffer is publishing her work.

I have to say thank you to all my friends, family and colleagues who have been persistent over the years and who have encouraged me to publish my projects. Special thanks goes out to my great friend and mad scientist of code Marcus Nickel who is mainly responsible that this website made its way from my dusty drawer into the world wide web. (Thank you Marcus, I know I can be persistent too!)

I founded Fräulein Pfeiffer 2006 right after receiving my diploma in MultiMediaArts. I started as a freelance graphic designer but I could not deny my multiple interests. Therefore I am not only a designer. Frl. Pfeiffer is more or less understood as an interdisciplinary creative Studio. SYSTEMS FOR VISUAL CREATION. I create visually in a multi-media context.

I am also a filmmaker and a photographer, I create 2D motion graphics, stop-motion animations and music videos. At the moment I am also writing my first feature film screenplay on weekends. I am offering stop-motion workshops for children in schools which is a lot of fun too.

This blog will be a collection of my work, inspirations, musings and experiences. Soon you will find out more about me if you follow my blog – you can also follow me on facebook!

If you have any questions, comments, submissions, or you just want to say hello... Drop me a note!

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